Valentine's Day Gift Guide

Hi My Loves,

Happy Friday. I wanted to share a quick V-Day gift guide for all of you. As I get older it becomes harder to figure out good gift to get the hubby or even to give suggestions for myself. This year I  hinted at camera equipment. so lets see if the hubby listened,lol. Seriously though, it always seems like a mission to find the perfect gift for the one you love. I always think of home made gifts which I think are the best gifts, but if you want to splurge for your love, here are my favorite gifts. I hope you guys like this gift guide.

Stay tuned for some great post next week. Enjoy your weekend Loves.

  1. GoPro Hero- is a great gift for him or her. This gift is for the traveler or sports enthusiast in your life.
  2. VenuSetFleur Flowers- is amazing flowers that last for a full year. Why waste so much money on flowers that die in a week when you can have some for a whole year.
  3. Romantic Dinner- For a mom like myself a simple dinner at home or out is needed and a gift in itself.
  4. Diamond Earrings- I mean what girl wouldn't like earrings. 
  5. Apple Watch- I love this for anyone really. This is especially awesome for the runners in your life.
  6. Rose gold sneakers- I love these sneakers they are so fashionable so no need for the gym when wearing these.
  7. Sports Tickets- What guy wouldn't love a pair of tickets to his favorite sports team.
  8. Travel- Get up and take a trip with your hun and have a great time.
  9. Couples Massage- This is a great way to relax with your significant other and get back to some you time.
  10. Perfume/Cologne- I always love getting my favorite perfume.