Hi Loves,

I feel like I am ALWAYS typing that my kids or myself are sick and i'm just DONE! This weekend I had to remind myself I got this or at least I keep telling myself this. I am mentally and physically drained from this winter! In the month of March alone 3 out of the 4 weeks  in this home we have seen ear infections, strep, stomach bugs, flu and cluster teething. You know that saying, "God won't give you more than you can handle" well God can you help a girl out. This weekend I have been cooped up in this house with two sick kids and now feeling sick myself again, plus our back window was the victim of playful teenaged neighbors. 

I know many of you can relate to me, especially being a working mom. I dread having to text my boss and having to explain that something is happening once again with my kids or even myself. The 35 yr old me wishes that I had my 25 yr old energy and health, not the 25 yr old drama and BS, that can stay in 2007. I know you working moms struggle with calling out or working from home and even more so feel that maybe you are not being taken seriously at work because you are a mom, that you feel you have to prove yourself 10 times more than your peers. I know its in my head because I do work for an amazing company and have a manager that truly understands these situations are completely out of my hands because I am a MOM which is a job that just doesn't allow vacation time or PTO. The feeling sometimes  is like I am in quicksand and I am just stuck trying to inch my way to the top, but a part of me is stuck.

The reason I am writing this is not to complain because I KNOW it can be far worse. I deal with Cancer patients Mon-Fri so I know. I am writing for YOU, that mom that feels like me this weekend and I reminding you just like I am reminding myself that you got this. Take it one day at a time because that's all you can do. Know that there are so many women just like you that feel the same struggle. Many say that kids are sick all the time at toddler and infant stages and when they are older they are hardly sick. I don't want to wish for that age because I know I'll miss this age immensely. I am analyzer, so I always think can I do better and tend not to give myself the credit I deserve and I'm sure some of you don't either. Maybe it's my age or me going crazy, but lately I find myself having pep talks that actually have been helping me out. Talk  yourself out of the self pity, it might just work for you. Stay off social media when you are feeling this way because let me tell you it only makes it worse. As my kids napped I went on Instagram and Facebook and had a serious case of FOMO. Pretty vacations, play dates, trips to Target and my poor kids and I are stuck in the dungeon of germs. The self pity was all too real this weekend! I always try to have the mentality of it could be worse, we have a vacation next week to Palm Springs and it could be worse, the kids could be sick on our vacation and not this week. Let's hope they get better by then.


The kids are waking, so I have to end this, but know we are not perfect we are MOMS, the hero to those little guys. You may not feel like your doing a good job, but when they are laughing and playing and running to you for those hugs and kisses, that is the proof that you and my pity party self this weekend are wrong. Have a great start to your week and be the best Mom you can be.

Peace & Love.
