We All Grow Day 1/Be Neutrogena

HI Loves,

I am back in New Jersey, but  I have to tell you my body is still back in California. I'm so exhausted and came back home to sick kiddos, so you all know I wish I was sleeping right now but mommy duties call. Because I am on West Coast time, I figured I'd take the time  and recap my first day at the We All Grow Summit in California. For most of you that follow me you already know that I was on my way to present at the Summit, but there was so much more to the Summit for me that was so exciting. The first time I went was the first year We All Grow Latina conducted the Summit and I enjoyed it, but not as much as I did this time around. This time around I got to enjoy the experience with meaningful people in my life. I don't want to share that portion of the trip too much today, but I promise I will be sharing this week. Today I want to talk about the Neutrogena field trip to Malibu.

Each Year there are sponsored trips that are beyond amazing. I was chosen to go to the Neutrogena field trip to have a fun filled day at a beachfront Malibu home. I'm not going to lie the bus ride was so long, but once we got there it was well worth it. We were greeted by music and a fantastic brunch setup. During brunch we learned a little about Neutrogena's Beach Defense line. I'm so excited to actually bring this line with me to Coachella next month.

Once brunch was done we headed down this gorgeous stairway to the beach where we were greeted by an amazing staff and options to create a dream catcher, get our hair braided,  or our makeup done  which was inspired by the new Beauty & Beast movie and last our own personal photo shoot. You can catch some of the pictures from my photoshoot below. I also have to shout out my girl Erika for shooting me as well. We ended the day with a beachfront lunch right on the sand.

Overall it was a great day on the beach and it was a perfect field trip for myself. With all the traveling I did the day before, I needed a relaxing day, especially since we had to go to the cocktail party that same night. Thank you Neutrogena and thank you We All Grow Latina for an amazing day with beautiful Latina women. Stay tuned I will be sharing the rest of my trip and why you should head to the next We All Grow Summit.

Peace & Love,
