Reflecting on 35 years of Life

Hi Loves,

To even utter the words "I am 35" is not only crazy to me but a blessing. I know a lot of you are probably thinking what' is so exciting about turning 35. For me its not even the age that I am excited about, its the fact that I get to breathe another day of life.  I am a firm believer in counting your blessings and I surely count mine everyday. More than ever I count them, with the state the world is in and countless senseless deaths that happen everyday, yes I am thankful that I get to add one more year to my resume of life...I truly wear each wrinkle I gain as I age with pride.  I also get to share my birthday with International Women's Day. Being Latina and sharing my day with such a day to celebrate my ethnicity and culture is beyond amazing.

Some you of that read my blog are in your 20s and some of you are older. I want to share that not one of you  should hate your age or wish you were older or younger, but what you should do is live each year as if it was your last. Make everyday count and every breath you are given memorable....Do what truly makes you happy. I think about each birthday I have had, each year was more memorable than the next. My teens were filled with amazing parties and special moments my mom was sure to make for her daughter. My 20s I can tell you were crazy blackout moments that I don't regret. Now that I am in my 30s its more about spending my moments with my family and that's just what I did this year. I had all the things I love and it was magical.

So whats in store for me at the age of 35. I would like to say its going to be a UNICORN type of year for me. I found this quote on line and this is my motto for this year...

 "Lessons from a Unicorn, There's magic in you. Anything is possible. Dreams can come true. You don't need wings to fly. It's ok to be different ,And always believe in yourself even when nobody else does."

Jane Lee Logan

I will believe that anything is possible and go for my dreams not just because I know I could do it but because I have two little ones looking up to me striving for those dreams. I believe there is so much more God has waiting for me and this is only the beginning of a cool life ahead. So here is to an awesome 35th year of life.

PS top is Nike!

Peace & Love

